The way we live, the way we work constantly changes, and very quickly. Access to the world is much easier now than ever before, but also the other way around. Old truths about how we run companies are constantly being challenged. We are expected to set strategies and make decisions on completely different grounds than before, we depend on information and data that we ourselves do not control. How do we ensure that our collected and vital data is only available to those we want? How do we calculate privacy risks when we don’t know our vendors well enough? Where are our data stored and who has access to it? A data driven society creates a lot of possibilities and great responsibilities.
Without reliable methods to analyze and obtain updated data, management decisions may be based on incorrect and outdated data.
Fast-paced innovation and emerging technologies can often trigger new compliance challenges as well as information security challenges.
Automated processes are dependent on reliable sources and data integrity. The absence of data security poses a significant risk to effective automation.
By reviewing and updating your strategic privacy management. Support in development of new digital governance strategy as well as privacy- and compliance strategy.
By implementation and evaluation of sec. mgmt systems and practice. Assessment and GAP analysis of your current status and support in implementing strategies in order to become fully compliant.
Ensure that your automated and digital operational processes are designed and operating effectively, including the secure and efficient flow of information.
Handling vast amount of information increases the need of having an implemented data modelling process as well as an information classification model.
Adaption of new and innovative technologies leads to educational need and user training, as well as security training and awareness.
Information explosion can pose a risk towards employee productivity as an overload of information can make it difficult to stay ahead of strategies and efficient ways of working.
By supporting you in implementing and reviewing information classification tools and methods.
By creation and adoption of security awareness program and training on different levels, crisis management exercises to raise the overall robustness and resilience of your business.
Evaluating the changed needs of your workforce’s ability to handle information explosion and the productivity challenges you face.
Data driven operational processes are not sufficiently efficient.
Integrations towards AI and IoT leads to increased attack vectors and new challenges regarding cyber security.
The business need of data that is dependent of reliable integrations to or from repositories, data lakes and connection to API software, will create new cyber and security risks.
We can support you in identifying opportunities to adapt your business processes to the increased flow of information including secure communications and operational resilience.
We can support you in identifying and managing new digital operational and cyber risks and assist in the successful and secure transition to new technologies.
We can assist you in assessment and review of your cyber capabilities and maturity, support you in implementing IT security practices tailored to your business needs as well as perform information security and risk management reviews.