The starting point for effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is defined by the company’s Board of Directors. They define the appetite for risk that the company is willing to take in executing its strategic plan and pursuit of growth and profitability. The risk appetite should subsequently filter down the organization through the risk management framework and be embedded in business practices with reporting back to the Board, thus ensuring effective management of the company’s risks.
During the last decade, there has been a tremendous increase of regulatory requirements, increased transparency of corporate risk events and maturing demands from Boards and shareholders on how to manage an organization’s risks. To successfully manage these risks, companies need to understand the intimate relationship between regulatory requirements, business strategy, risk management as well as the external business environment.
How we can help
We help our clients build robust proactive Risk Management Frameworks applicable for all organisation either small or large related to risk in finance sector and non-finance sector. Our consultants have thorough experience and can provide best practice ERM based on a waste number of performed assignments.
Services provided
In addition, we also support our clients perform and set up processes regarding EBA (Basel) reporting related to ICAAP, EIOPA (Solvency II) reporting related to ORSA and ESMA requirements.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the basis for digitalising human communication through gadgets like mobile phones, computers, cars, satellites and affects all companies within public, financial and non-financial sectors. New IT systems and services are constantly evolving. People, products and organisations are becoming increasingly connected through ICT. While ICT can improve people’s quality of life and help reduce emissions from industries, development requires continuously enhanced security. ICT experts are needed to strengthen and ensure the protection of personal and organisational information against cyber threats and warfare or to develop security by design AI, e-health or fintech business solutions.
We want to know more about you and your organizations challenge! Get in contact with your local office to find out more about our culture and services.
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